This package include the following lucide implementations:
This package is suitable for specific use cases, for example if you want to use icon fonts, SVG sprites, normal SVGs or Common.js SVG strings in your javascript project.
⚠️ While they can be useful for prototyping, it is not recommended to use the SVG sprites or icon fonts provided by this package in production web apps as all the available icons are included in the app, hence increasing loading time and data usage. We recommend to use a bundler and treeshaking to make sure only the icons you use are bundled with your app. Threeshaking is only available in these packages: lucide, lucide-react, lucide-vue, lucide-vue-next, lucide-angular, lucide-preact
yarn add lucide-static
npm install lucide-static
<!-- SVG file for a single icon --><img src="" /><!-- Icon font --><style>@font-face {font-family: 'LucideIcons';src: url( format('truetype');}</style>
Check out the codesandbox examples.
To use it in for example html:
<!-- SVG file for a single icon --><img src="~lucide-static/icons/home.svg" />
.home-icon {background-image: url(~lucide-static/icons/home.svg);}
Make sure you have the correct webpack loaders to make this work. url-loader
You can simply import each SVG by targeting lucide-static/icons/{icon-name}.svg
To use SVGs in your project you can for example use a SVG loader.
import arrowRightIcon from 'lucide-static/icons/arrow-right';// return string of an SVG
You may need additional loader for this.
<!-- Icon Sprite, not recommended for production! --><img src="lucide-static/sprite.svg#home" /><!-- or --><svgwidth="24"height="24"fill="none"stroke="currentColor"stroke-width="2"stroke-linecap="round"stroke-linejoin="round"><use href="#alert-triangle" /></svg><svg>...sprite svg</svg>
If you'd prefer, you can use CSS to hold your base SVG properties
.lucide-icon {width: 24px;height: 24px;stroke: currentColor;fill: none;stroke-width: 2;stroke-linecap: round;stroke-linejoin: round;}
and update the SVG as follows
<svgxmlns=""class="lucide-icon"><usehref="#alert-triangle"/></svg><svg>...sprite svg</svg>
@import ('~lucide-static/font/Lucide.css');
<div class="icon-home"></div>
To use lucide icons in your Nodejs project you can import each icon as:
const { messageSquare } = require('lucide-static/lib');
Note: Each icon name is in camelCase.
const express = require('express');const { messageSquare } = require('lucide-static/lib');const app = express();const port = 3000;app.get('/', (req, res) => {res.send(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Page Title</title></head><body><h1>Lucide Icons</h1><p>This is a lucide icon ${messageSquare}</p></body></html>`);});app.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);});